Recycling in the classroom

Aktivity projektu

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Země, které jsou do projektu zapojené

Projektu je otevřený a účastní se ho několik desítek zemí. Bohužel jednotlivé země mezi sebou vzájemně nespolupracují. Je to velké zklamání 🙁

O projektu

Nowadays, everybody is conscious about environmental problems and how we can help to save our planet. Therefore, we can plan a lot of activities in our classroom using recycled materials. I would like to make a project where we will create a lot of decorations and crafts with recycled materials.


– Get new friends from other countries
– Take awareness about environmental problems in the World
– Use recycling to create materials in the classroom
– Communicate in a foreign language

Postup práce

1º. Each school will do a presentation in Twinspace.
2º. Each class will create materials in their classrooms.
3º. Each class will make photos, videos or presentations to publish in the Twinspace.
4º. Evaluation of the project.

Očekávané výsledky

– Cooperation between schools
– Shared decorations and crafts with recycled materials.
– An exhibition of the materials created.
– At the end of the project will be produced an e-book with all the photographs shared in the Twinspace.